Currently we have an inquiry for the following sizes of cng cylinders for automobiles.
We would appreciate if you could send us a competitive quote C&F Dubai. These are the custom sizes we require.
Dia Length Volume Qty (pcs)
232mm 1020mm 35-37 LTRS 10,000
279mm 810mm 40 LTRS 10,000
356mm 800-820mm 57-62 LTRS 10,000
406mm 800mm 75LTRS 20,000
406mm 1150mm 112LTRS 20,000
Our idea is to open a production facility here in Sharjah to cater to the region with your collaboration.
First we would like to see the response from the market before we go ahead with production.
Looking forward to your corporate offer with your terms and conditions, delivery leadtime.
with best regards, |